How to duplicate things in minecraft

how to duplicate things in minecraft
1. Fill your inventory with snowballs. 2. Open the chest, and pick up a stack of snowballs. 3. Hold down SHIFT, hover over a snowball, and left click twice.

How do you craft things in minecraft

how do you craft things in minecraft
Open your inventory. This is where you can see all the items you're carrying, the armor you're wearing, your recipe book, and the crafting grid.

Minecraft how to craft things

minecraft how to craft things
How to Craft and Use a Crafting Table in Minecraft! In this video, I show you how to craft a crafting table and how to use a crafting table.

How to mix things in minecraft

how to mix things in minecraft
To craft the custom items, you must THROW the stated items on TOP of a smithing table. The recipes can be found in the download page.