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How to Brew Potions in Minecraft
Collect the stuff you will need
This is the hard part!
Minecraft potion recipes pdf
You need some things that can only be found in the Nether.
Go to the Nether
You’ll need to build a Nether Portal to get to the Nether. If this is your first trip there, be careful! You will need good armour, a bow, and plenty of arrows.
If you have armour with a Fire Resistance enchantment, so much the better.
Find a Nether Fortress
Find a Nether Fortress; this is a building made out of Nether Bricks.
A nether fortress; look out for the dark Nether Bricks.
Get some Nether Wart
Explore the fortress until you find some Nether Wart; it will be growing in Soulsand at the bottom of a staircase.
Collect all the Nether Wart, and dig up the Soul Sand while you’re at it.
If you see more Soul Sand on your way back to your Portal, get some more.
Get Blaze Rods
Find Blazes, kill them and collect at least one Blaze Rod.
Be careful, Blazes are a dangerous enemy, and it’s better to pick them off with arrows from a distance.
You can find Blazes hanging out anywhere in a Nether Fortress, but
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