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    How to get eyes of ender in minecraft dungeons

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    As of the 1.19 update, Minecraft now has over 1000 unique items that can be obtained in survival mode, and the number grows bigger with every update. Still, less than 30% of these items are actually frequently used, one of which is Minecraft Eye of Ender.

    Read this guide to make the Eye of Ender in Minecraft.

    Moreover, we will talk about how to use this item. This information is of particular help to every player who wants to finish Minecraft and kill Ender Dragon.

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    Eye of Ender is one of the first items that were to Minecraft.

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    Since then, it has been considered one of the rarest and most desired items in the game.

    The crafting recipe for the Eye of Ender is straightforward. You only need one Ender Pearl and one Blaze Powder to make the Eye of Ender.

    The recipe is shapeless, so you can put these items inside a workbench.

    Still, many players have problems with getting Blaze Powder and Ender Pearl. Below you can learn how to get these valuable i

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